Project Fertility Success Rates

Welcome to the Project Fertility Success Rates Page!
My name is Paul J.O'Brien and I am one of Ireland's leading experts in the field of natural reproductive health and fertility. My articles, advice and successes have been featured in the Irish Times, Irish Independent, Evening Herald, Irish Examiner and more. And I am proud to hold the highest live birth success rate in Ireland, (as of writing 82% of my patients starting treatment in 2016 are pregnant, 10% are currently pregnant, with 72% having already given birth), using the all natural methods in my clinic.
The total pregnancy success rate of the clinic is far above the national avg, far above the European avg, far above the US avg and far above the published success rate of the major Irish assisted reproduction clinics.
I am deeply proud of these results. I am very passionate about continuing to help others, such as you, reach their health and fertility goals so that you too can enjoy life to its fullest and share the same success, experience and results as my patients below. Please take a moment to read some of their stories, share their experiences and hopefully I'll be able to share your success story here soon! đ

Paul, Thank you very much for everything you have done to help me get pregnant. Iâm really delighted.
I thought the treatment was really relaxing and Paul made me feel really comfortable
These treatments have changed my life in a way that was unbelievable. I was trying for a baby for nearly two years and within 12 weeks of going to Paul I found out I was pregnant.
I went to get pregnant and you canât put a price on that.Sinead Morrison, 25,
Paul J.O'Brien holding Sinead's daughter.
When I first came to see you I knew straight away that you were special. Within weeks I was already feeling brighter and a lot less anxious and for the first time in a long time more positive about my life and future.
When the other medical professionals were telling me that is was simply 'bad luck' that we had lost two babies you were the first person to give me some reasons and answers but most of all you helped to solve those issues and get my body and mind healthy and 'baby fit' again.
Throughout my pregnancy you worked 'your magic' in so many ways. On that night I thought we were going to lose Jamie you were 'my angel'. You are amazing at what you do and on top of that you REALLY care about people and that's what sets you apart.
I can't begin to thank you enough for everything you. There are just not enough words.
Jamie is our precious little miracle and you played a huge part in getting him here safe and sound.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I originally met Paul while seeking relief for a back problem when the subject of fertility came up. It was January and myself and my husband had been trying for a baby unsuccessfully for 9 years.
Elaine Galvin, 35
During the conversation, Paul, informed me that he specialized in acupuncture as a fertility treatment. Obviously I was a little skeptical in the beginning as we had been though many I.V.F. cycles and other unsuccessful medical treatments. However Paul, was certain it would be a success.
During the weekly appointments I experienced enormous relaxation and also great relief from the back pain whilst Paul was always confident of achieving his main goal of a successful pregnancy.
With less than one year of acupuncture treatment, I finally found out, that after ten years of trying, I had finally become pregnant!
The joy and relief of this wonderful news is hard to simply put into words. But what Paul has achieved is nothing short of genius. We will never be able to thank him enough.
I would recommend Paul to anybody in a similar position as we had all but given up hope of ever becoming parents but as I write this we are 17 weeks pregnant and looking forward to our first scan in a matter of weeks.
UPDATE: Elaine has given birth to a beautiful healthy baby boy!!!!! Mother and Baby are doing great, and I wish Elaine and her family all the very best. đ
I attended Paul for the first time in June 2008. My friend had recommended Paul having heard he had a number of children called after him due to his success in the fertility field.
Louise Byrne, 36 , Pharmacist
Myself and my husband had been trying to conceive for almost 2 years. We had attended a fertility clinic in January 08 to ensure there were no physical reasons we had been unsuccessful.
I found the whole approach in this fertility clinic very businesslike with very little regard for the emotional needs of their patients. Luckily for us all parts of both of us appeared to be working effectively.
Despite this good news they were very adamant I should still start fertility treatment straight away. Being 36 they felt I didnât have time on my hands. Being a pharmacist I did not want to subject my body unnecessarily to this type of treatment and opted to keep trying the natural way until September 08.
The first time I attended Paul he took a medical history, but unlike the fertility clinic was very interested in the personal tragedies in my life. My father had been very ill of the past 2 years and I had been very involved in his care both in a personal and professional level. These 2 years had been very stressful and very upsetting for me.
I really felt that this may have been affecting our ability to conceive. Paul listened to me intently, asked me a number of diagnostic questions, and asked me about my diet and my tongue. From this first encounter he felt my âLiverâ (Liver Qi Stagnation and Blood Stasis - Paul) was blocked due to the stress of the previous 2 years. He also felt he could treat me. Blockage of the Liver is significant in cases of infertility in Chinese Medicine as the liver controls flow of blood to all the vital organs. Some of my symptoms were irregular periods, cold extremities, and occasional gastric problems. My first 6 treatments with Paul involved the treatment of this blockage and needles were placed in my legs, below my knees, my hands and my head.
I really enjoyed these weekly treatments. At the start of a treatment we would discuss how I had been since the last time, if something came up and I needed to talk about it Paul would always sit and listen. I believe this is invaluable and a key part of the treatment process.
Time never appeared to be an issue.
My periods became more regular and my GI problems improved and after 12 treatments I was pregnant. I have continued to attend Paul although now I attend every 2 weeks. I am now 13 weeks pregnant and been very well, no nausea. Although Paul has told me if that occurs he can treat that too!
I would recommend acupuncture for infertility; it is a holistic experience which I believe imperative for this type of condition. Paul is professional, enthusiastic and inspiring. You always come out of a treatment feeling enlightened, well and upbeat. For me this was the type of treatment I required and I would consider acupuncture as the way forward for all future ailments.
UPDATE: I continued to treat Louise through her pregnancy and she delivered a happy healthy baby girl, who has since been joined by a brother!  đ

Sarah and Brian (names changed) had been trying for a baby for 15 months. âWe had expected things to happen really quicklyâ, says Sarah. âI am 31, and Brian is 32. We are both really healthy, so we didnât expect to have a problem. You just donât think it will happen to you.
âWe went to see our GP: he referred us to a specialist in the Rotunda Hospital. He decided to check my blood to see if I was ovulating and to do a semen analysis on my husbandâ.
âMy bloods came back fine. My scan was fine too. Then Brian went in for his semen analysis, and last October we went in for the results. The consultant said that his spermâs motility was only 10%. It has to be 40% to be called normal.
âHe said we needed IVF. He referred us to the HARI clinic (special note the Meridian Acupuncture has a close relationship with the HARI and we can prescribe a series of semen analysis tests etc to confirm our diagnosis). We were devastated. I didnât know anyone who had gone for IVF, and we were worried about the expense as well.
âThe whole thing worried us. It was âoh my god!â And the worst thing was is that there is no guarantee that it will work. âWe rang the HARI for an appointment. They said they couldnât see us until February. That seemed so far away. So we rang the SIMS clinic and they gave us an earlier appointment.
âI looked up Brianâs condition on the internet and it said acupuncture could help (read my article on Male Infertility here). And meanwhile we improved our diets, I took a zinc supplement.
âWe went to see Paul OâBrien. He was lovely. He talked us through the whole process. He said he would treat me as well. I hate needles, but it was fine. It didnât hurt at all. I went away feeling like I was brand new.
âFinally our appointment at the SIMS clinic came. They said that before they started the IVF they would do another semen analysis. They rang that same night to say that Brianâs semen was normal the motility was 50%. We no longer needed IVF.
âWeâre going to have IUI where they give me medicine to ovulate and insert a catheter into the uterus to improve our chances of pregnancy. It can just speed things up. But they were amazed at the improvement. They could hardly believe it.
âWe still go to Paul every week. We are delighted with him. And hopefully we shall have some good news soon".
- words by Sue Leonard.
UPDATEÂ After a continuation of treatment Brianâs semen was retested and came in at an astonishing 95%. Representing an 85% increase! An incredible improvement.
Dear Paul,
Laura H.
Thanks for much for the brilliant sessions and the laughs before and during my pregnancy. You were no doubt instrumental in the safe arrival of this little guy. Thanks so much for your lovely gift of life and for all your kind wishes.
Thanks Paul for all the guidance, care, help and all your positive energy in the last few weeks. I will never be able to thank you enough. I am a new woman after your treatment. Thanks again!
Hi Paul,
I have good Adeline came to out to life on Thursday, every thin and cute but very active. Thanks for all your help!
Arrived today! Thrilled with our little boy! Thanks again for you help Paul, we wouldn't have got here without your help!
Our baby boy was born Friday morning, happy and healthy and in a mad rush! Thanks a million for all your help and I will see you soon
We have welcomed a gorgeous baby boy and a beautiful baby girl to our family this morning. Both are absolutely perfect and doing great. We are just elated and feel so blessed x
Good news Paul -Â IT'S A GIRL!!!! We are both doing great and she's a dote. Thanks for all your help Paul!!!!
Dear Paul,
Thank you so much for everything you did to help us along our journey. Your patience, empathy and instant reassurance helped me to believe that everything would turn out for the best. And it did! We are overjoyed to have baby Cian in our lives. Thank you - thank you.
Paul, a huge thank you for all your support, encouragement and direction throughout my long journey. I can't believe we managed to get the outcome I dreamed of. Thank you so much. Cheers, Kathy (Max and Georgie!)
Dear Paul,
Thank you very much for everything you have done to help me get pregnant. I am really delighted!
Hi Paul, hope you're having a lovely long weekend. Big news for's a girl! Our daughter was born last night weighing in at 7lbs 3 ounces. All great. X...thanks again for everything!
We've had a positive result so we are delighted!!!! Many thanks!
Your latest creation đ born this morning at 9.48am - words are insufficient to express our gratitude to you for playing such a significant part in helping us reach this day, just know we'll be eternally grateful!
Join the Club! Get Your Fertility Answers Now
Schedule a Free Fertility Troubleshooting Session and Discover the Root Cause Of Your Problem and How We Can Fix it to Get You Pregnant.
Would you like me to show you how some women fall pregnant so easily, and how you can do the same?
What I'm offering you is a FREE consultation.
Through the consultation, what I will do is go through your complete medical history. I want to learn about your reproductive health. I want to talk to you about your medication and nutrition, any treatments that you might be undergoing, like IUI, IVF, or more.
We'll look at your current work-life balance, we'll look at stress points within your life and other factors that can cause delays and problems with conception...for example:
- Studies have shown that particular forms of stress reduce conception rates by up to 93%
- A common daily beverage (not alcohol) can cause a 70% increase in estrogen, linked to endometriosis and other reproductive health issues, including infertility and delay conception in 12 month period by over 55% in women.
Based on that consultation, what I'd then like to offer you are ANSWERS.
I will identify why you may not have been able to conceive as expected, identify the imbalances that have been preventing conception, and I can show you exactly what steps you need to take in order to address these issues.
I will explain your entire diagnosis; I will talk you through some of the physical therapies and action steps that you can take. I will talk to you about neurology and blood work that can be done and explain what nutrition might be useful in helping to get the right nutrients and enzymes necessary for reproduction in your specific case, we'll do this and so much more.
I will give you a clear cut, no-nonsense answer as to why you haven't been able to conceive, and I will outline a personalized treatment plan for you to take you through the steps that you can take to majorly improve your health, and to get in the best possible state in order to have a baby so you waste no more time.
Now, I offer this free service because I'm a specialist in reproductive health, and this is an area of great personal interest to me, and I achieve successful pregnancies where other methods have failed, using a unique combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Clinical Medicine. And there's a very good possibility that I might be interested in helping you conceive considering the demand in my field.
So if you find value in the advice that I'm going to give you, you might want me to assist you and your partner in helping you get pregnant. Now, there is no cost to this and no obligation of any kind for these consultations. With all of that said, please understand I am not offering a sales pitch in disguise or anything of that nature.
I cannot help everybody
Now, before you go any further, I want you to wait a minute. It is important that you understand that I cannot help everybody. Â On June 22nd, 2016 I closed my clinic and online 1-on-1 coaching to accepting new cases - I had too many patients, too many pregnancies to maintain, that I simply could not accommodate new patients.
However, I have helped those patients conceive, guided them through pregnancy and helped them have happy, healthy babies and can now take on a limited number of new cases...but there are only so many hours in the week outside of my current patients, so I am limiting the amount of consultations to 10.
Once the first 10 places are filled, I will re-open my waiting list, and I will get to you. But it's going to be on a first come, first served basis. And please also keep in mind that I can only be of benefit to people that are:
- Willing to follow my advice,
- Will apply the techniques that I will teach them,
- Are open to making impactful and lasting changes to their reproductive health, and
- Most importantly, have a happy, healthy, and secure environment into which to bring a child.
Now, if that's you, then this is what I want you to do next. If you want to schedule a planning and consultation session with me, simply fill out the opposite. You'll see a form just to the right with a few questions about your health history that I'd like you to fill out in as much detail as you can, and give me an idea of what you hope to accomplish. Once you submit that information, I will review your case, and arrange a time with you for your consultation. I greatly look forward to meeting with you, to speaking with you, and hopefully to help you achieve the family that you want.

When I first came to see you I knew straight away that you were special. Within weeks I was already feeling brighter and a lot less anxious and for the first time in a long time more positive about my life and future.
When the other medical professionals were telling me that is was simply 'bad luck' that we had lost two babies you were the first person to give me some reasons and answers but most of all you helped to solve those issues and get my body and mind healthy ad 'baby fit' again.
Throughout my pregnancy you worked 'your magic' in so many ways. On that night I thought we were going to lose Jamie you were 'my angel'. You are amazing at what you do and on top of that you REALLY care about people and that's what sets you apart.
I can't begin to thank you enough for everything you. There are just not enough words.
Jamie is our precious little miracle and you played a huge part in getting him here safe and sound.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.